Fistula Surgery In Siliguri

An anal fistula is an infected disease that causes pain and swelling around the anus. Crohn’s disease, cancer radiation treatment, trauma, sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, and diverticulitis are the leading causes of this disease.

Fever, chills, fatigue, frequent anal abscesses, irritation of the skin around the anus, and pain with bowel movements, are the symptoms of an anal fistula. If you have complex anal fistulas that require surgery, then you should consult Dr. Sourav Dhar for the best fistula surgery in Siliguri.

Why Choose Dr. Sourav Dhar?

  • 1K+ Happy Patients
  • 7+ Years Of Experience
  • Certified General Surgeon
  • Compassionate Approach
  • Advanced Treatment Tools
  • 200+ Successful Treatments
  • 100% Relief & Happiness

The Video-assisted anal fistula treatment a.k.a. VAAFT is an assisted laser proctology and an advanced surgical treatment that is first introduced in Siliguri by Dr. Sourav Dhar to treat diseases such as the colon, rectum, and anus. This is completely a bloodless, painless, and scarless procedure with high success rates.

Why Go For VAAFT Fistula Treatment?

  • Laser treatment
  • No more pain
  • Zero risk of injury
  • No risk of infection
  • Faster recovery
  • High success rates

Most fistulas are cured well through surgical procedures. VAAFT is another treatment that is particularly helpful for fistula surgery in Siligurisuch as high fistula, and complicated and repetitive fistulas. The primary benefit of this method is that there is no risk of injury to the anal sphincter.

If you have any questions or queries related to fistula treatment, please feel free to contact Dr. Sourav Dhar by dialing - +91 8861813461. He is an MBBS. M.S. General Surgery, FMAS, FAIS, FAIGES, MACRSI, and has years of experience to solve surgical problems.

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