The Benefits of Laser Fissure Surgery over Traditional Methods

The Benefits of Laser Fissure Surgery over Traditional Methods


Fissure is a common disease that occurs due to tear or stretching of the tissues in the anal area which causes severe pain and bleeding. You can also consult with surgeons who can provide you with the best laser fissure surgery in Siliguri. Even though there are various treatments available for fissures, there is a huge confusion between laser surgery and traditional open surgery as to which one is better.

Both forms of surgery can offer better relief and aim towards better healing over fissures. However, there are a few aspects in which laser surgery has been able to outperform the traditional surgery. This blog will highlight some of the major benefits of laser surgery along with reasons to ensure it is a better treatment than traditional surgical methods.

Following are the benefits of laser surgery and a brief comparison with conventional surgeries.

Minimal incision

Unlike traditional open surgery which includes larger cuts and incisions, laser surgeries are based on the principles of minimally invasive surgical procedure. Under laser surgery, your doctor will conduct a minimal incision in the anal muscle followed by using advanced laser tools that target only the affected area. This allows minimal damage to the nearby organs and tissues ensuring effective and efficient treatment of fissures.

Reduce pain

The Laser technology used for performing fissure surgeries is known to provide a comfortable experience to the patients. The surgeries are performed with high accuracy and include sealing all the nerve endings and tissues of the anal muscle. This not only reduces the risk of infections but also offers painless healing allowing better recovery from the surgery. As compared to the traditional surgeries, after the period of general anesthesia patient may feel pain in the surgical region.

Accurate treatment

Laser surgery is well known for its precise and accurate treatment methods which allow minimal chance of complications as compared to traditional surgery. The accuracy of the treatment also depends on the expertise and skill of the surgeon. Therefore it is necessary to get treated with the best laser surgery in Siliguri so that you acquire the best treatment for your fissures.

Minimal side effects

The traditional surgeries use larger incisions to cover which you may be prescribed with various medications. In some cases, these medications may lead to side effects such as wound infection, internal bleeding and septic shock. However, laser surgeries are conducted using minimal incisions which reduce the risk associated with surgical infections. The surgery promotes minimal stress to the wounded resulting in better healing.

Better healing

One of the key aspects that help laser surgery outperforms traditional surgery is faster healing. The minimally invasive methods used for treating the fissures result in minimal incision in the affected area which leads to better healing of the patients.  In most cases, patients can go home after a few hours from the surgery which also makes it cost-efficient as compared to traditional methods which need weeks of hospital stays.

Minimal Surgical Scars

Surgical scars are the most common concern among people undergoing surgeries. Open surgeries have larger incisions that come with bigger post-surgical scars. In the case of laser surgery, the doctor uses minimal incision for the treatment of the fissures which results in no to minimal post-surgical scars. Also, this helps in reducing any forms of risks associated with the surgical wound.

When it comes to fissures, laser and minimally invasive surgeries are the most effective way of treatment; however, acquiring treatment from experts is also necessary for better treatment outcomes. There are numerous doctors who offer the best Laser Fissure surgery in Siliguri allowing for better healing with minimal surgical complications.

Laser surgeries have been one of the most preferred ways of treatment due to their accuracy and better healing benefits. However, there are a few conditions in which traditional surgeries can be a better option. Although laser technology is an advanced version of surgeries the choice of treatment depends on the complexity and area of the disease.

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