How To Pass Kidney Stones: Prevention and Relief

How To Pass Kidney Stones: Prevention and Relief


Kidney stones are one of the most common issues these days. Due to various lifestyle changes and other reasons, it has become quite normal to find kidney stones. These kidney stones develop when substances bundle together to form crystals in the kidney. These crystals are made of substances like calcium, oxalates, and uric acid with calcium being the most found substance in the crystals. As long as they keep getting concentrated, the stone gets larger thus making the pain worse.

Some kidney stones pass easily without having to get medical assistance. However, in some cases like suffering from severe pain, feeling nauseous, and blood in the urine, you should consult a specialist for kidney stone treatment in Siliguri.

1. How you can pass kidney stones

A kidney stone can be passed through various means. It can range from dietary changes to medical intervention. These stones once move out of the ureter, you can get relieve. Depending on the size and number, it takes several weeks to months to pass the kidney stones. 

There are different ways to pass kidney stones recommend by Best kidney stone doctor in Siliguri.

  • Home remedies

Include more calcium-rich plant foods, drink plenty of water, limit sodium, and add more lemons to your diet. These can sometimes be enough to help pass out the stones naturally.

  • Body exercise

During the passing of a stone, it can be a very painful time thus heavy exercise can worsen the case. You can opt for simple exercise such as cycling and walking. You can add yoga in your daily routine. However, if you are feeling pain during body movements, you should consult your doctor first about the recommended exercise that would be good for your condition.

  • Medical treatments

In some cases, if normal home remedies and exercise don’t work in passing out the stones, your doctor can recommend different ways to solve the issue. These ways include medication and therapies, and surgical removal.

2. Tips to prevent kidney stones

Kidney stones can possibly be prevented in some cases, if you focus on your dietary plans.

  • Drink water and keep your body hydrated. This helps in flushing out the kidney stones. A hydrated body is less prone to building kidney stones.
  • Limit your sodium intake. Too much calcium is one of the most common reasons for kidney stones thus you must take a good source of calcium.
  • Reduce your animal protein which increases the amount of uric acid in the urine. This can result in kidney stones.
  • Eat more vegetables. Plant-based foods are good sources of fiber which fights kidney stones.

Get relief from the pain of kidney stones?

There are several ways to pass kidney stones. During the passing of the kidney stones, there are severe pain that cannot be ignored. You can a get help though medication to get temporary relief from the pain. Bathing in warm water or applying heat in the pain area can give some relief to the pain.


Kidney stones are stubborn and bring severe pain in case of get bigger. To remove it is not that easy but through strict changes in lifestyle, small kidney stones. The condition can however turn for the worse if the size of the stones becomes larger due to more concentrated substance. Things might get problematic if not consult a doctor for kidney stone treatment in Siliguri or your city. Follow the tips to make the stone pass through naturally or with medical intervention.

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